With school holidays on the horizon, our team in Contact Scotland have put together a list of inclusive and accessible events around Scotland suitable for families with disabled children or those with additional needs. We’ve also added some inclusive Christmas events, such as relaxed meets with Santa, so that all children can enjoy the fun and magic of Christmas. If you want to find out more about each event, we suggest contacting the venue directly or checking out the accessibility information at Euan’s Guide We’re also updating this list and posting additional events onto our Contact in Scotland Facebook page. see list of events ShareCopy URLCopied!Share via EmailShare via FacebookShare via TwitterShare via WhatsAppShare via LinkedIn
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Contact Scotland is teaming up with Enquire, the Scottish Additional Support for Learning (ASL) advice service to run a free webinar: ‘Supporting children at school without a diagnosis‘. The hour-long session takes place on Wednesday 30 October from 7-8pm. It aims to guide parents and carers through the process of securing school support for children with additional needs. The webinar will cover important topics such as children’s rights to support, how to work collaboratively with schools, and when pursuing a diagnosis might be beneficial. Donna Tomlin, Contact’s Scotland Manager said: “When you realise your child may have a learning difficulty or health concern, getting a diagnosis can take time. In some cases, you may not get a diagnosis. We know that this can be a worrying and anxious time for families, so we are delighted to have the opportunity to join Enquire for a webinar where we can share our information and resources to help you get the right support for your child.” The webinar is open to parents, carers, and their support networks. Visit the Eventbrite page to book your place ShareCopy URLCopied!Share via EmailShare via FacebookShare via TwitterShare via WhatsAppShare via LinkedIn
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A new Bill called ‘Calum’s Law’ reached the Scottish Parliament last month after a decade-long campaign by parent carer Beth Morrison. The Bill aims to ensure that the restraint and seclusion of children and young people in schools is only used as a last resort, where there is an immediate risk of harm, and using appropriate methods. De-escalate difficult situations It also promotes compulsory training for all teachers on how to de-escalate difficult situations. It is named after Beth’s son, Calum, who lost consciousness while being forcibly restrained at a special needs school when he was 11-years-old. Beth is also the founder of Positive and Active Behaviour Support Scotland (PABSS), a non-profit organisation promoting the use of appropriate behavioural support for children and young people with learning disabilities. Appropriate behavioural support In the last school year, 208 families had been in contact to say their child had been physically and emotionally harmed because they had been subjected to the use of restraint and/or seclusion in Scottish schools. 91% of the children were autistic or had ADHD. Contact Scotland continues to support Beth and PABSS in the campaign to make physical restraint guidelines in schools legally enforceable. Further information about PABBS including who to contact about incidents of inappropriate restraint, can be found at restraintreductionnetwork.org. ShareCopy URLCopied!Share via EmailShare via FacebookShare via TwitterShare via WhatsAppShare via LinkedIn
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Universal Credit is the new benefit that is replacing the existing system of means tested benefits and tax credits – known as the legacy benefits. The process of moving existing legacy benefit claimants onto Universal Credit is known as managed migration. This process is now well underway with more than 60,000 claimants per month being asked to claim Universal Credit. However, no-one is moved onto Universal Credit automatically. Instead, you will need to make a claim. Universal Credit have strict deadlines for you to do this by, if you want to be eligible for transitional protection payments to make sure that you are not left worse off. Join us on 12 August Join our special webinar via Zoom on Monday 12 August between 10 and 11.30am, to find out more about what you need to do once you receive a managed migration notice, asking you to make a claim for Universal Credit. The webinar will look at: What you need to do if you receive a ‘managed migration notice, telling you that your legacy benefits are ending and asking you to claim Universal Credit instead The strict deadlines for claiming Universal Credit, if you want to be considered for transitional protection to make sure that you are not left worse off How transitional protection can be lost due to certain changes in circumstances and how it is eroded over time How to make a claim for Universal Credit and what the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) will expect of you once you have lodged your claim This webinar will be presented by benefits advisers from Contact’s Family Finance team. To find out more about this webinar and to sign up, visit our Eventbrite page. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. New to webinars? A webinar is a presentation live on the internet. You will be able to hear the presentation live, follow the slides and submit questions for the presenters to answer. You will need a home computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone. Book your free place and join us on 12 August. Can’t make 12 August? We have lots of information about managed migration to Universal Credit on our website. We will also post a recording of the webinar on our webpages, shortly after the event has taken place. ShareCopy URLCopied!Share via EmailShare via FacebookShare via TwitterShare via WhatsAppShare via LinkedIn
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Carer Support Payment, the new benefit replacing Carer’s Allowance in Scotland, rolled out to Angus, North Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire this week. The new benefit is the same rate as Carer’s Allowance and has similar qualifying rules. New claimants Carer Support Allowance was first introduced in the three areas of Dundee City, Perth and Kinross and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Western Isles). From Monday 24 June, it has been extended to Angus, North Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire. If you live in one of these six areas and want to make a new claim for Carer’s Allowance, you will need to claim Carer Support Payment instead. To claim Carer Support Payment, apply online via mygov.scot or by telephone Social Security Scotland on 0800 182 2222. When will Carer Support Payment roll out to the rest of Scotland? From 19 August, Carer Support Payment will replace new claims for Carer’s Allowance in Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire, East Ayrshire, Fife, Moray, North Ayrshire and South Ayrshire. It’s expected to be rolled out to the rest of Scotland from 4th November. What about existing Carer’s Allowance claimants? Social Security Scotland is in the process of transferring all existing Carer’s Allowance claimants in Scotland onto Carer Support Payment. This process started in February. It is expected that all Carer’s Allowance claimants in Scotland will have moved onto the new benefit by Spring 2025. Existing Carer’s Allowance claimants in Scotland will move onto the new benefit automatically. There is no need to make a claim or do anything else. How much is Carer Support Payment? Carer Support payment is £81.90 per week, the same amount as Carer’s Allowance. You should also receive an additional lump sum payment – known as the Carer’s Allowance Supplement – twice a year. Who qualifies for Carer Support Payment? See our webpage for more details of the qualifying rules. Most of the rules are identical to Carer’s Allowance. This includes the earnings threshold and the need to be looking after someone on certain disability benefits for at least 35 hours a week. The main differences are: More generous rules for students allowing carers in some forms of full-time education to qualify for Carer Support Payment, even if ineligible for Carer’s Allowance. The amount of time someone must have spent in the UK before they can claim Carer Support Payment is 26 weeks out of the previous 52 weeks. For Carer’s Allowance, this is 104 weeks out of 156 weeks. There are a number of situations in which you can get Carer Support Payment backdated. This includes potentially as far back as 19 November 2023 if you were unable to get Carer’s Allowance but do qualify for Carer Support Payment. See our webpage for more information. ShareCopy URLCopied!Share via EmailShare via FacebookShare via TwitterShare via WhatsAppShare via LinkedIn
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Last year the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) started the process of asking people on legacy benefits to move onto Universal Credit, even if they had no change of circumstances. This is known as ‘managed migration’ onto Universal Credit. Initially only people on tax credits who weren’t getting any other means tested benefits were asked to migrate. However, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has now started the process of asking people on other legacy benefits such as income support and housing benefit to migrate onto Universal Credit. In the coming months hundreds of thousands of claimants will receive a managed migration notice telling them that their legacy benefits will be stopping and that they need to claim Universal Credit instead. However, you aren’t transferred onto Universal Credit automatically. Instead, you need to make a claim for Universal Credit and will have a deadline to do this by. If you miss your final deadline, you won’t be eligible for any transitional protection to make sure you aren’t worse off. Confused about managed migration onto Universal Credit? Join us on 14 May To help clear up any confusion, parent advisers from our Family Finance Team are inviting you to ask any questions you have about managed migration to Universal Credit at a special Q&A session on Tuesday 14th May between 10am – 11.30 am on our Facebook page. This session is for parents in England, Wales or Scotland. Different rules apply to managed migration in Northern Ireland. Can’t make Tuesday the 14th? We have lots of information about managed migration onto Universal Credit on our website. Take a look at our webpage about Moving onto Universal Credit from legacy benefits and watch our new video on ‘Getting a Universal Credit managed migration notice’ ShareCopy URLCopied!Share via EmailShare via FacebookShare via TwitterShare via WhatsAppShare via LinkedIn
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The voice of parent carers is crucial in shaping a fairer and more inclusive Scotland for everyone. The Scottish Government is currently seeking insights and feedback on the Learning Disabilities, Autism, and Neurodivergence (LDAN) Bill. The Bill aims to ensure better treatment and opportunities for neurodivergent individuals and those with learning disabilities. Share your thoughts The Scottish government has been working on this legislation for the past two years. It has been seeking feedback from a wide range of groups, including neurodivergent individuals and those with learning disabilities. Now, it has opened a public consultation, inviting anyone in Scotland to share their views and experiences. The consultation has identified a wide range of issues and topics, and these have been broken down into 14 specific themes. You can provide feedback on as few or as many of these themes as you wish. How you can get involved Provide feedback via Contact We will be responding to the consultation directly, with a focus on the following five themes: relationships, health and wellbeing, education, transitions and definitions. If you would like to contribute to our response, we will be running two online focus groups for parent carers on Monday 15th April at 10:30am -12.30pm and 6.30pm-8.30pm. We want to hear about your experiences and views on any of the five themes mentioned above. We will use the insights gained to provide comprehensive feedback to the consultation. If you would like to take part in one of our sessions please email Susan Walls, Head of Programmes at [email protected] by Friday 1st April. Respond directly to the consultation You can also respond directly to the consultation online or by video, post and audio. You can view the full list of topics and themes at gov.scot Each theme invites you to answer three questions, and you can respond to as many or as few questions and themes as you see fit. See more information on the bill, how to respond and to access the consultation guidelines. The deadline for responding directly is 10pm on Sunday 21 April 2024. ShareCopy URLCopied!Share via EmailShare via FacebookShare via TwitterShare via WhatsAppShare via LinkedIn
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Our By Your Side Scotland team are delighted to be out again supporting families in University Hospital Wishaw. We know how physically and emotionally exhausting it can be when your child is in hospital. And how important it is to be listened to and get the right help when you most need it. Families attending the hospital can access our resources from our information stand in the main foyer – all without an appointment. Lynn, our Scotland By Your Side Parent Adviser, will be at the Wishaw hospital on Tuesday 19th December from 10am to 4pm to guide anyone looking for support. We can help on a wide range of topics, including condition specific services, getting the right support in school, benefits, funding and grants, transition to adulthood planning and put you in touch with local parent support groups. We also continue to provide support to families from our information stand at the Royal Hospital for Children (Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Campus), Glasgow. We’ll be there with our partners, the Family Fund and the Office for Rare Conditions Glasgow, on Wednesday 17th January from 10am to 4pm. Remember – you don’t need a diagnosis to access our help, and we support families from birth to 25 years old. Read more about our By Your Side holistic support in the Autumn edition of Rare Revolution Magazine (pages 15-18). For enquiries, email [email protected] or follow us on Facebook for more information and news. ShareCopy URLCopied!Share via EmailShare via FacebookShare via TwitterShare via WhatsAppShare via LinkedIn
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This Sunday 19 November, a new benefit, Carer Support Payment, is rolling out in Scotland to replace Carer’s Allowance. The new benefit is paid at the same rate as Carer’s Allowance and will mostly have the same qualifying rules. Below we explain what you need to know about the roll-out of Carer Support Payment. Roll-out to new claimants Initially, the new benefit pilots in the three areas of Dundee City, Perth and Kinross, and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Western Isles) only. If you live in one of these three areas and want to make a claim for Carer’s Allowance on or after 19 November, you will need to claim Carer Support Payment instead. To claim Carer Support Payment in one of the three pilot areas, apply online via mygov.scot. You can also telephone Social Security Scotland on 0800 182 2222. Social Security Scotland says that it plans a phased roll-out of the benefit to replace new applications for Carer’s Allowance elsewhere in Scotland. This is expected to start from Spring 2024, and the new benefit is likely to cover all areas of Scotland from Autumn 2024. Roll-out to existing Carer’s Allowance claimants For the time being, existing Carer’s Allowance claimants will continue to receive that benefit, even in the three pilot areas. From February 2024 onwards, Social Security Scotland will gradually transfer existing Carer’s Allowance claimants in Scotland onto Carer Support Payment. This process will happen automatically without the need for you to complete a claim form. Further details about the timetable for transferring existing claimants is not yet available. How much is Carer Support Payment? Carer Support Payment is paid at the rate of £76.75 per week, the same amount as Carer’s Allowance. You should also receive an additional lump sum payment – known as the Carer’s Allowance Supplement – twice a year. Who qualifies for Carer Support Payment? See our Carer Support Payment webpage for more details of the qualifying rules. Most of the rules are identical to Carer’s Allowance. This includes the earnings threshold and the need to be looking after someone on certain disability benefits for at least 35 hours a week. The main differences are: More generous rules for students, allowing carers in some forms of full-time education to qualify for Carer Support Payment even though they would have been refused Carer’s Allowance. The amount of time someone must have spent in the UK before they can claim Carer Support Payment is 26 weeks out of the previous 52 weeks. The rule for Carer’s Allowance is 104 weeks out of 156 weeks. Related information Welfare benefits in Scotland Most of the benefits that families in Scotland can claim are UK-wide and claimed from either the Department for Works and Pensions or HMRC. However, some benefits are different in Scotland, and these are run by a new agency called Social Security Scotland. Find out more Scottish Child Winter Heating Payment being made from November Families in Scotland should soon receive a Child Winter Heating Payment for each eligible child under 19. Find out more Carer’s assessments: your needs as a carer Advice on asking for a carer’s assessment, what the assessment looks like and what happens after the assessment. Find out more ShareCopy URLCopied!Share via EmailShare via FacebookShare via TwitterShare via WhatsAppShare via LinkedIn
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Families in Scotland should soon receive a Child Winter Heating Payment for each eligible child under 19. The Child Winter Heating Payment – formerly known as the Child Winter Heating Assistance – is a lump sum payment of £235.70 that Social Security Scotland pays to eligible households. Who is eligible for the payment? You get a payment for each child in your family aged under 19 who gets one of the following benefits: The highest rate of the care component of Child Disability Payment or Disability Living Allowance (DLA). The enhanced rate of the daily living component of Adult Disability Payment (ADP) or Personal Independence Payment (PIP). To qualify, your child must have been eligible for one of these benefits for at least one day between 18 September 2023 and 24 September 2023. This includes if your child’s award was made after 24 September but was backdated to a date before then. Receiving the payment The payment is per child or young person, not per household. So if you have more than one child or young person on the relevant benefits, they will each get a payment. You don’t have to make a claim for Child Winter Heating Payment. If you’re eligible, you will get a letter to confirm this, and you’ll receive the money into the same account as your child’s disability benefit. Most payments are being issued during November, although some people may not be paid until December. If you think you are eligible but have not received a letter by the end of December, contact Social Security Scotland on 0800 182 2222. Related information Welfare benefits in Scotland Most of the benefits that families in Scotland can claim are UK-wide and claimed from either the Department for Works and Pensions or HMRC. However, some benefits are different in Scotland, and these are run by a new agency called Social Security Scotland. Find out more Help with household bills Our helpline advisers have put together a list of scheme and grants to help you stay warm in the winter. Check to see if you are eligible. Find out more Benefits You may be entitled to certain benefits and tax credits that may help with the extra costs you face. Find out more ShareCopy URLCopied!Share via EmailShare via FacebookShare via TwitterShare via WhatsAppShare via LinkedIn
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Contact Scotland is working with partner organisations to host an information day for the Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) community next Saturday 30 September. Join us at the Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow, from 10am-3.30pm to find out more about TSC Support Scotland, the charity for families affected by TSC. Meet the team and find out what advice and support they can offer. You’ll also have the chance to meet the Contact Scotland team and see what work we do to support families across Scotland, alongside the team from the Office of Rare Conditions Glasgow. Find out more by telephoning 07513 853 080 or emailing [email protected] ShareCopy URLCopied!Share via EmailShare via FacebookShare via TwitterShare via WhatsAppShare via LinkedIn
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From this week, families with disabled children in Scotland will have the chance to share their experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic, the government’s response and lessons for the future. Let’s Be Heard is the independent Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry’s listening project, seeking answers to three key questions: What were your experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic? What impact did these experiences have on you or people you know? What lessons do you think should be learned from your experiences? The listening exercise forms part of the wider Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry, which is investigating the devolved strategic response to the pandemic in Scotland between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2022. Let’s Be Heard will also look at whether the government’s response impacted particular groups unequally or disproportionately. For this reason, we encourage families with disabled children in Scotland to take part. You might have views and experiences to share on issues like home schooling and support in education, shielding and masking, or the vaccination roll-out. Get involved by visiting the Let’s Be Heard website. Forms will also be available on request by emailing [email protected] or writing to Freepost SCOTTISH COVID-19 INQUIRY. DCP planning to submit evidence to UK inquiry The Westminster government is running its own UK-wide Covid-19 Inquiry. As part of the Disabled Children’s Partnership, we will be submitting evidence to the education, children and young persons’ section of this inquiry. We previously submitted evidence to the inquiry’s consultation on its terms of reference. Related information Covid-19 vaccineAnswers to questions about the Covid-19 vaccination for families with disabled children, including who is eligible and how they can get it. Infections and vaccinesChildren with certain health conditions can be more susceptible to common seasonal viral and bacterial infections. This means that if they get an infection, their body struggles to fight off the illness. In this section, we have advice on protecting your child from some of the most common seasonal infections. Alongside this, we have information […] Healthcare in ScotlandThe structure of healthcare in Scotland Integrated health and social care In 2016, the Scottish Government brought health and social care together in to a single, integrated system. The aim is to improve care and support for people who use services, their carers and their families. There is greater emphasis on joining up services and […] ShareCopy URLCopied!Share via EmailShare via FacebookShare via TwitterShare via WhatsAppShare via LinkedIn
Related information Covid-19 vaccineAnswers to questions about the Covid-19 vaccination for families with disabled children, including who is eligible and how they can get it. Infections and vaccinesChildren with certain health conditions can be more susceptible to common seasonal viral and bacterial infections. This means that if they get an infection, their body struggles to fight off the illness. In this section, we have advice on protecting your child from some of the most common seasonal infections. Alongside this, we have information […] Healthcare in ScotlandThe structure of healthcare in Scotland Integrated health and social care In 2016, the Scottish Government brought health and social care together in to a single, integrated system. The aim is to improve care and support for people who use services, their carers and their families. There is greater emphasis on joining up services and […]
Covid-19 vaccineAnswers to questions about the Covid-19 vaccination for families with disabled children, including who is eligible and how they can get it.
Infections and vaccinesChildren with certain health conditions can be more susceptible to common seasonal viral and bacterial infections. This means that if they get an infection, their body struggles to fight off the illness. In this section, we have advice on protecting your child from some of the most common seasonal infections. Alongside this, we have information […]
Healthcare in ScotlandThe structure of healthcare in Scotland Integrated health and social care In 2016, the Scottish Government brought health and social care together in to a single, integrated system. The aim is to improve care and support for people who use services, their carers and their families. There is greater emphasis on joining up services and […]
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Child Disability Payment is the new benefit for children aged under 16 in Scotland, replacing Disability Living Allowance (DLA) in Scotland. Now our expert advisers have written a comprehensive guide to the new benefit. Although Child Disability Payment looks similar to DLA in some respects, it uses slightly different rules to decide whether you qualify for the benefit, and at what rate. Our comprehensive new guide Claiming Child Disability Payment takes you through what should happen if your child currently gets DLA, and how to claim Child Disability Payment if they don’t. We also describe how to complete the application form, what tests are used to decide if a child gets it, with hints and tips on answering all the questions on the form. Getting an award of Child Disability Payment can mean an increase in other benefits your family may be getting. Get your free copy of Claiming Child Disability Payment, or call our freephone helpline on 0808 808 3555 for your free copy. Related information Read more about the changes to welfare benefits in Scotland. ShareCopy URLCopied!Share via EmailShare via FacebookShare via TwitterShare via WhatsAppShare via LinkedIn
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The Scottish Government have made clear that when they introduce a new carer support payment to replace Carer’s Allowance, they will initially keep the main qualifying rules broadly similar. This will make the process of transferring existing Carer’s Allowance claimants onto the new Scottish benefit more straightforward. The new benefit will be initially introduced as a pilot scheme at the end of 2023, before being launched across Scotland in spring 2024. While most of the qualifying rules for the new benefit will mirror Carer’s Allowance rules, there will be two main changes introduced from the start of the pilot scheme. These are: Changing the education rules so that carers in full-time education can receive the carer support payment; Amending the ‘past presence test’ so that carers will normally only need to have been present in the UK for 26 weeks out of the previous year in order to claim. Once the Scottish Government has completed the transfer of all Carer’s Allowance claimants in Scotland onto the new carer support payment, it intends to make a number of other changes to the rules. These will include: Increasing the ‘run on’ of benefit after a cared-for person dies from eight to 12 weeks; Introducing an extra amount to be paid where a carer looks after more than one severely disabled person. Known as the carer’s additional person payment, this will be £10 per week for each additional person a carer is providing at least 20 hours of care to; Providing temporary financial assistance known as ‘short-term assistance’ in some situations where a carer support payment decision is being challenged, or where the cared-for person is challenging a decision to stop or reduce their disability benefit. At this point in time the Scottish Government has not committed itself to increasing the earnings limit. For more details see the Scottish Government’s response to the Scottish Carers Assistance consultation. ShareCopy URLCopied!Share via EmailShare via FacebookShare via TwitterShare via WhatsAppShare via LinkedIn
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Our By Your Side parent adviser, Lynn Shields, will be at the Sense Touchbase Centre in Glasgow along with 15 other organisations and charities on Saturday 25 March, to provide support to families with disabled children and young people. No appointment necessary – just drop by when you can! Come and have a chat with Lynn at the Sense Touchbase centre on Saturday 25th March from 10am – 3.30pm to make sure you have the information you need for your family. No appointment is necessary and it doesn’t matter if your child (aged 0-25) has a diagnosis or not. The chance to find out what support is available for your family from Contact and over 15 other organisations – all in one place Over 15 organisations and charities will be joining Contact at the Sense Touchbase centre on Saturday, including our key partners Family Fund, Office for Rare Conditions Glasgow and Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Support Scotland. This is your chance to drop in and see us to find out about the wide range of support, information, services and grants available to you and your family – all in one place. Other organisations there on the day include the Independent Living Fund, PAMIS, Social Security Scotland, Carers Scotland, Genetic Alliance UK, Children Health Scotland, Glasgow Disability Alliance, Lead Scotland, Scottish Centre for Children with Motor Impairments, South East Carers Centre, Differabled and more. It’s a great opportunity to pick up information and find out how organisations can provide support and connect with other parents and carers at the same time. “Families have told us that they would like to access helpful and timely information much more easily and to be able to do that in one place. Parents also said that they wanted charities and organisations to work together to provide a connected and wider network of support. By hosting this drop-in day at the wonderful Sense Touchbase venue in Glasgow we and our partners hope to provide a welcoming space for families to meet a wide range of charities over a cuppa and hopefully get the resources and information they need.” Donna Tomlin, Manager of the By Your Side Project in Scotland How to get there on Saturday You can find us on Saturday at Sense Touchbase, 47 Middlesex Street, Kinning Park, Glasgow G41 1EE. Nearest subway stations are Kinning Park and Shields Road or for buses Firstbus 9/9a, 10 or 121 or Arriva 25, 36, 38 or 39 or there is free parking if you are driving. The Sense Touchbase venue also has a chill out space, a personal care room and free on street parking. If you would like a copy of our flyer about the event just email [email protected] or if you have any questions please call 07458046071. We look forward to seeing you there! ShareCopy URLCopied!Share via EmailShare via FacebookShare via TwitterShare via WhatsAppShare via LinkedIn
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Adult Disability Payment, the benefit replacing Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for disabled adults in Scotland, has now been rolled out nationally. It replaces new claims for PIP across the whole country. Up until now, Adult Disability Payment has only applied in certain pilot areas. From today, Monday 29 August, it extends to all parts of Scotland. If someone has not already claimed PIP, it is now too late for them to make a PIP claim. They will need to claim Adult Disability Payment instead. Adults in Scotland who are already getting PIP are also moving onto Adult Disability Payment. This is happening gradually in stages between now and 2024. The first groups transferring will be those who: Report a change in circumstances to the Department for Work and Pensions.Are due a review of their PIP award.Have a terminal illness. When someone on PIP transfers to Adult Disability Payment, it happens automatically without the need to make a claim and without any need for a reassessment. If your child is on Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Child Disability Payment and turns 18, they will also be transferred to Adult Disability Payment. Read more about welfare benefits in Scotland. ShareCopy URLCopied!Share via EmailShare via FacebookShare via TwitterShare via WhatsAppShare via LinkedIn
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We have just announced four free online workshops for parent carers in Scotland covering a range of topics to help support your and your child’s wellbeing, no matter their age. Our workshops include: Encouraging Positive Behaviour, Helping Your Child Sleep, Parent Carer Wellbeing, and Helping Your Child Manage Their Anxiety. You can join all four sessions or just those that suit your needs. To register, click on the Eventbrite link for each workshop listed below. If you would like a workshop flyer or have any questions, please email [email protected]. Encouraging Positive Behaviour (22 August, 6.30 – 8.30pm) For parents and carers who have concerns about the behaviours of their children with additional needs. This session will help you understand the reasons children behave the way they do, learn different strategies to handle difficult situations in a calm manner, and look at ways of supporting your child. Visit the Eventbrite website to book your place. Helping Your Child Sleep (24 August, 10am – 12pm) A child who does not sleep well can affect the whole family. Many children have sleep issues, but this is much more common for children with additional needs no matter their age. This workshop will explore some of the issues around sleep and will look at different ways of supporting your child, raising awareness of the importance of sleep and its effect on the family. Visit the Eventbrite website to book your place. Parent Carer Wellbeing (5 September, 10am – 12pm) Stress can be a huge factor for families with disabled children and young people. This online workshop will look at what causes you stress and how you cope with it at present, as well as suggest new strategies to manage stress and improve your own wellbeing. You will also have the opportunity to hear other parents’ experiences and share as much or as little of your story as you wish. Visit the Eventbrite website to book your place. Helping Your Child Manage Anxiety (8 September, 10am – 12pm) This workshop will explore what anxiety is, how to identify its signs, how it can make you feel, and the different types of anxiety a child may experience. We will then cover strategies to help you recognise and manage your child’s anxiety. Visit the Eventbrite website to book your place. ShareCopy URLCopied!Share via EmailShare via FacebookShare via TwitterShare via WhatsAppShare via LinkedIn
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This week sees the roll out of Adult Disability Payment to replace new claims for Personal Independence Payment in three new Scottish council areas. These areas are North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire and Angus. This means that if you live in one of the following areas and do not already get Personal Independence Payment it is too late to make a new claim and you will need to claim Adult Disability Payment instead. This now applies in: AngusDundee CityNorth LanarkshirePerth and KinrossSouth Lanarkshirethe Western Isles Claims for Adult Disability Payment by new claimants can be made on-line at mygov.scot or by calling Social Security Scotland free on 0800 182 2222, Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm. This only applies to new claimants. People in Scotland already receiving Personal Independence Payment will continue to receive that benefit for the time-being. PIP awards claimants will be transferred onto Adult Disability Payment in stages starting from this summer. Transfers will be done automatically without needing to make a claim and without any need for a reassessment. For more information about Adult Disability Payment see our webpage on Adult Disability Payment and benefits at 16. ShareCopy URLCopied!Share via EmailShare via FacebookShare via TwitterShare via WhatsAppShare via LinkedIn
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