Find out more EHC plansOn this page we explain what an EHC plan is, who needs one, and what you’ll find in the contents of the plan.ehc plans
EHC plansOn this page we explain what an EHC plan is, who needs one, and what you’ll find in the contents of the plan.ehc plans
Find out more EHC needs assessmentsInformation about requesting an EHC needs assessment, the process, and what happens after an assessment.EHC needs assessments Getting an EHC draft planPart of the process of getting an EHC plan, find out what’s involved in reviewing a draft plan.Getting an EHC draft plan
EHC needs assessmentsInformation about requesting an EHC needs assessment, the process, and what happens after an assessment.EHC needs assessments
Getting an EHC draft planPart of the process of getting an EHC plan, find out what’s involved in reviewing a draft plan.Getting an EHC draft plan
Find out more Annual reviewsInformation about the annual review process, how to prepare for it, and what to do if you’re unhappy with the outcome.annual reviews Changes in circumstancesWhat happens if you move area or your child has a break in their education, and when the local authority will cease a plan.Changes in circumstances
Annual reviewsInformation about the annual review process, how to prepare for it, and what to do if you’re unhappy with the outcome.annual reviews
Changes in circumstancesWhat happens if you move area or your child has a break in their education, and when the local authority will cease a plan.Changes in circumstances
Find out more Tribunal appealsWhat you can appeal about, what you can’t, and the process to do so, including mediation.
Tribunal appealsWhat you can appeal about, what you can’t, and the process to do so, including mediation.
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