Health resources

5 mins read

If your forum requires additional support in engaging your local health partners, contact our parent participation adviser in your region.

In this article

Publications useful for engaging with health

  • Introduction to the NHS [PDF] – a briefing that provides an overview of the main organisations and jargon, with guidance on how forums can start to influence this locally.
  • NHS constitution – the NHS constitution sets out the principles and values of the NHS and is where the ‘duty to involve’ comes from. It sets out rights to which patients, public and staff are entitled, and pledges which the NHS is committed to achieve.

NHS Long Term Plan

The NHS Long Term Plan –

Full document or Summary Document

The Interim People Plan – the draft workforce development plan

Implementing Universal Personalised Care and NHS England Personalised Care webpages –

Social Prescribing Summary Guide

Explaining Primary Care Networks, from the Kings Fund

Patient and public participation in commissioning health and care: statutory guidance for CCGs and NHS England [PDF].

Involving people in their own health and care: statutory guidance for clinical commissioning groups and NHS England [PDF] – also aimed at engaging parent carers in their children’s care and treatment decisions.

Supporting pupils with medical conditions at school [PDF] – statutory guidance about the support that pupils with medical conditions should receive at school.

RCN publication – Meeting health needs in educational and other community settings – Guidance for Royal College of Nursing (RCN) members who have a responsibility to plan for, or are required to safely meet the health care needs for, Children and Young People (CYP) in various settings.

Briefing on The Children & Families Act 2014 for health practitioners – some of the key issues for health practitioners in implementing the reforms from the Council for Disabled Children.

Requirements to provide health advice within six weeks [PDF] -a factsheet from the Council for Disabled Children.

Designated Medical/Clinical Officer Handbook -a resource from the Council for Disabled Children.

Resources supporting work with GPs

Useful and interesting publications relevant to forums

  • Impact of austerity on services for disabled children – report of a Europe-wide survey that took place in winter/spring 2017 and looked at whether austerity measures had impacted on services for disabled children and the professionals providing those services.

Ways to understand parent carer experiences you can adapt and use

Resources supporting participation in hospital settings

Read how parents worked with hospitals to improve the experience for disabled children in 

Health webinars